Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Goodbye Topdeck, Hello Rome

We arrived in Rome in the evening with the tour and our amazing tour guide lead an awesome walking tour of the city which hit most of the main sites and monuments.  In the evening we checked into the campsite/resort where we stayed in bungalow tents which had two bunk beds and the showers were amazing! The next morning we took a tour of Vatican City which marked the end of our 10 days on the tour. While a large portions of the group stayed for the second half covering Germany, another group of people joined the tour at the halfway point as well.  My friend and I made our way to the Airbnb place we booked which was great (although we missed being bused everywhere) and we spent the next three days going back to a number of the sites we wanted to check out again and we of course ate lots of pizza pasta and gelato.

Spanish Steps
Vatican City  was pretty neat - they happen to be filming X Factor Italy that day (hence the chairs)


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