Saturday, June 28, 2014


Manchester was quite fun...before arriving in the city we were scared it would be like Lyon where there really wasn't much to do.  Similar to Lyon, we chose to including Manchester in our itinerary as a way to lower our expenses.   We stayed in a nice Airbnb accommodation next to the university where our amazing host gave us a lot of tips and recommendations on how to spend our time.  We were about a 40 minute walk to town but spent the two days visiting some really nice museums and art galleries.  Things were definitely cheaper in Manchester and we enjoyed pigging out on food which was priced much lower than London.  The shopping was also great and we overall had a really nice time in Manchester; two days was a perfect amount of time!

Yayyyy taxidermy
Our Airbnb host suggested we visit this old library, and it was amazing; literally felt like walking into the set of Harry Potter
As with all the other Art Galleries and Museums in the UK, the Manchester Art Gallery was gorgeous and free!
Honestly couldn't get enough of the fish & chips :)


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