Thursday, June 5, 2014


Lyon....well uhm, what can I say about Lyon?  Don't go on the weekend is my one and only suggestion.  As lively and exciting the city was on Saturday, Sunday was the complete opposite which I guess is common in France.  Nevertheless, we were a tiny bit bored in the city which was a shame as we were quite excited to add Lyon to our itinerary.   We arrived on Saturday at 6am and arrived at our Airbnb accommodation located right in the heart of the city between some shops on the main shopping strip.  We spent the day seeing the main sites from the high lookout point by the Basilique Notre-Dame de Fourvière to visiting the Parc de la Tête d'Or (unfortunately arriving after the free zoo closed).  Sunday was literally dead; most people we saw on the streets went to church, ate baguette and then spent some family time in a park - great for families, super boring for traveling.  Either way, Lyon seems like a gorgeous place to live, maybe not the best place to visit on a Sunday.  

The traboules in Lyon were really cool to see.  I had heard about the secret passages before, but I couldn't figure out how to get in (although they're public during certain times, they're still within residential areas).  Finally I shadowed a couple tour groups which got me into the main ones and then I ended up pushing on a lot of doors...mission accomplished! ;)


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