Friday, June 6, 2014

Back to Paris!

After two days in Lyon we headed back to Paris where we stayed in an extremely small studio apartment located literally 5 minutes away from the Sacre Coeur (at the bottom of the never ending set of stairs).  The kitchen and shower in in the same corner of the room so a person could literally take a shower and cook at the same time.  We spent five days in Paris visiting the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, shopping and eating way too many macarons.  Although we were extremely lucky to have our own kitchenette, we definitely consumed way too much baguette for our own good.  Unfortunately it rained for most of the week; luckily we decided to visit the Eiffel Tower the night we arrived - the one night it didn't rain! One thing I definitely like about France (as well as London) is the super connected metro system - definitely puts Toronto's TTC to shame!


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