Wednesday, June 4, 2014


After a few days in Rome we headed out to Barcelona via Ryanair bright and early.  The flight was the cheapest optional, and I soon found out why.  The flight attendants spent the entire flight trying to sell us various things from food to maps (thank goodness I fell asleep; the crying baby close to me also deterred the sales people).  The Airbnb place we stayed was literally right in the center of the city which made it very convenient for walking.  We fell in love with Barcelona the minute we got there; the whole vibe was more laid back and extremely chill.  We had no language barrier (which I was nervous about) as practically everyone spoke English, and things were a tiny bit cheaper than the other parts of Europe we visited.  The shopping was great, we visited the Picasso museum as well as some of the famous Gaudi building and went to the food markets everyday.  Barcelona is definitely on my list of places to visiting again!

In love with Tapas!!!
We tried to visit all of Gaudi's buildings while we were there; some were under construction but the ones which weren't were amazing.  

The beach was gorgeous and the people making sand art were hilarious!


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