Monday, August 26, 2013


I forgot to mention that this weekend has been absolutely gorgeous weather.  Closer to Toronto's weather; mainly because it's been raining like nuts - but hey, I'll take rain over heat any day!  Also the mosquitoes are completely in love with me....I look like I have some disease...or chicken pox or something...I hate bugs.  

ANYWAYS. Our Japanese hosts took us to Osaka today which was tons of fun. We mainly spent the day shopping, but it was neat to go to the malls and I finally had the chance to pick up some souvenirs which was great.  First we went to a massive mall with tons of clothes of course (but I honestly can't see myself wearing most of those styles...) and then we rode a ferris wheel which went above the mall.  Normally I'd be peeing my pants on a ferris wheel, but it went soooooooo slowly I barely noticed it was moving.  Afterwards we went to those Japanese photo booths where they basically airbrush the photo (tons of fun trying to fit 10 people in a booth).  Then we went to the equivalent of New York in Japan which was pretty neat to see before we headed back to another mall closer to our residence since we had to make it back in time for curfew (tons of rules and restrictions at this residence, but I won't go into that...). Also, Japan is really really busy on Sundays - completely opposite to Toronto.  Most people work on the weekdays and shop on the weekend so the store hours and commute time is much longer. 


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