Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Kwansei Gakuin University

I haven’t had the chance to write much since we unfortunately don’t have internet at the place we’re staying but to be honest, since I’m in school; nothing too revolutionary has happened. I met up with the rest of the group at the airport and we went straight to the KGU campus which is pretty nice. Unfortunately just like Mt. Allison a lot of stuff is under construction during the summer so it seems a bit weird. Oh! Also! Notice how I haven’t mentioned the heat yet? It’s because China was hotter! That’s right...I’m not totally dying yet!!! :)

Our days usually consist of a lecture and group work in the afternoon. Lunch is super cheap which we eat on campus, and sometimes after class if we have time to do something (the place we’re staying has a shower time and curfew so it’s a bit restrained) we’ll go out and cause chaos in the city ;) . Yesterday we went out for sushi which was awesome – it came around on a conveyer belt and we could also order stuff which would suddenly appear on another belt. After we ate five dishes (disposed the dishes down a vent thingy) we would watch the screen and a little game would come up. If we won the game then we would get a little toy. We won once, but considering we played 9 times (45 dishes! Whooo!) it was a teeny bit sad. Afterwards we went to a mall which I guess can be compared to the Eaton Centre (English store names included) with tons of clothes and other fun things. So far it’s been pretty awesome – although we haven’t seen much of Japan yet (we’ll get to that during our day trips) it’s nice being somewhere different and of course living with 11 other people you now know pretty well is a lot of fun too! 
