Monday, August 26, 2013

Nara :)

So, I'm awkwardly posting all of these at once, but basically I have no internet except in the classroom.  So my friend and I went to one of the buildings (we were given a key) to use the internet...and here we are at 10:30pm internet deprived and desperately trying to get everything done before heading back to the residence!!! 

Anyways, I'm finally caught up!  Today we took a field trip to Nara where we saw a number of attractions as well as visiting the Sharp Corporation.  Sharp was kinda cool - we got to see a lot of their products including their vaccuum cleaner robot (the one in all the videos with the cats riding on top) and their super high definition TVs.  We also learned about the history of the company as well as seeing the advancements in energy saving technology that Sharp's been involved in.  

Afterwards we had lunch and visited two temples: the Horyuji Temple and Tokuji Temple, both of which were really cool and again we got to practice the temple rituals.  The Tokuji Temple was especially cool where there were massive statues of Buddha and Gods, as well as an open deer park (deer represent the messengers in the Shinto religion).  It was a lot of fun, although the deer were pretty crazy at times.  You could buy crackers to feed to the deer in the park, and as soon as the deer knew you had crackers, they were after you like sugar deprived monsters.  More matcha ice cream; gonna miss that stuff <3  

KGU Campus!
