Friday, July 19, 2013

Wu Xi to Suzhou (Jacco Tours)

This morning we started off by going to a pearl factory where they showed us the different uses for pearls (including different facial products).  The pearls were gorgeous, and my sister actually bought a bracelet while we were there (successful sales tactics!).  Next we headed over to a look out point overlooking the lake and city of Wu Xi where we took some photos before heading to lunch.  After lunch we drove a couple hours to Suzhou, a wealthy city in China known for their economic success and beautiful women.  They say the women in Suzhou are beautiful for their complexion and their beautiful dialect - even when the women yell at you their tone sounds delicate.  In Suzhou we visited the Lingering Garden before heading to get a glimpse of the longest LED canopy in the world followed by dinner.  We got to the hotel early-ish which gave us time to explore the mall next to our hotel.  We seem to have really bad luck with hotels - at this hotel the air conditioning didn't work in the room my sister and I were sharing, so at 11pm (6am wake up call o.O) they finally moved us to another room where we didn't boil to death. 

Pearls :O

Off to Suzhou!
Apparently there's lots of motor bikes in Suzhou - actually the transportation here is apparently almost free; transit is about .30 cents (less if you're a local, they get 60% off) & bike rentals are free
I want a garden like this....
Best way clean a a garden
Longest LED canopy in the world
Times Square across the street
Fun times at the market

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