Thursday, July 18, 2013

Beijing: Last Day! (Jacco Tours)

Today was a much more relaxing day, the weather was perfect – raining and overcast all day but also nice and cool! First we went to a jade factory where they tried to get us buy their products.  Then we headed over to the great wall and climbed up as far as we could go - my sister and I got to the second last tower before it started pouring and we gave up and climbed back down.   Then we went to a restaurant where a Cloisonne factory was located downstairs.  We looked at the steps involved in making pottery (and they again tried to sell us stuff) before having lunch.  After lunch we headed over to the summer palace where we looked around – again it was unfortunately raining but on the bright side it meant less crowds.  Finally we went to dinner and headed back to the hotel earlier since our wake up call was at 4am the next morning for our flight to Nanjing.  I have to say, it’s funny how long we spend in the factories (where they try to sell us stuff) in relation to all the other places we’ve gone to.  For example, today we spent over an hour in the Jade factory, but we only spent half an hour at the Panda Zoo!  Unsurprisingly, Jacco tours is partly sponsored by the government which is why we got a bit of a deal as China is trying to promote tourism after it’s decline when the Beijing Olympics ended.  Besides the factories, this tour is really nice – super laid back and traveling by bus is very relaxing.  Our tour guide for this part of the trip is really nice – her name is Lee-na and she’s extremely knowledgeable and very organized.  Tomorrow we have a new tour guide for the rest of the trip!  

Jade Showroom - super intense, right?
Great Wall!!!!!  If you have a heart or brain disease, why the heck are you climbing in the first place?

Cloisonne factory
Rainingggggg in the Summer Palace


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