Monday, July 1, 2013

HK Day 5: Rain day & Food!

Today it rained a lot here in Hong Kong.  It was a bit of a downer as we were hoping to spend the day outdoors visiting gardens and temples, on the bright side it was more the Toronto weather I'm used to (thank god!).  As it started to pour, we arrived at a temple called Wong Tai Sin and looked around - lucky for us, rain meant less people (normally it'd be packed).  In the evening, we decided to take the tram from one end of the city to the other, just for kicks.

So obviously a trip to Hong Kong isn't complete without food! I don't think I've talked about food yet, but basically it's awesome.  Not all food is cheap here, but practically all of it is really good.  The street food here is extremely tasty, and the fruits are really really sweet and fresh. So, in case you're hungry here's some food:


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