Friday, July 19, 2013

Nanjing to Wu Xi (Jacco Tours)

Today we spent half the day in Nanjing before transferring to another city called Wu Xi by bus.  In the morning we went to the Nanjing Yantze river bridge which was built by the Chinese themselves – a huge source of pride as previous bridges were built by the former Soviet Union.  Inside the building we saw a replica of the bridge as well as an art exhibit of inner crystal painting featuring the work of Master Gao Yuen and his students (unfortunately I couldn't take any pictures, but they were gorgeous).  Afterwards, we went to another Jadite factory before having lunch and driving over to Wu Xi.  There we were greeted by another local tour guide who showed us around one of the famous gardens (Xue’s Garden) where I again got eaten alive by crazy Chinese mosquitoes.  We also took some time to check out a teapot museum where we had the chance to buy some cool teapots; again I couldn't take pictures there, but the teapots were pretty wild, if you put pressure on the handle the water wouldn't come out until you let go!  Then we again had dinner before heading to the hotel (There’s been so much food on this trip – I don’t even know what to do with myself)!  Our hotel rooms smelt like bum so we switched to a higher floor...I can't remember the name of the hotel now, but it wasn't DingDing which is a shame.  We also just heard about the floods in Toronto which is madness!  Why do I always have to miss all the crazy stuff!?
Nanjing Yantze River Bridge
Jadite Factory (I wasn't allowed to take pictures of the showroom this time....same idea though)
Xue's Garden

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