Tuesday, July 2, 2013

HK Day 6: Lantau Island

Today we went to Lantau Island, HK's biggest island and home to tourists attractions including a massive bronze Buddha and Tai O, a fishing village (both of which we visited today). It was coincidentally a ridiculously windy day, but we decided to take the cable car up the mountain anyways, since the roads that the bus take are windey and takes a lot longer (we took the bus on the way down).  Surprisingly, even though it was windy, the cable car was quite stable, although the higher we got the more we could really feel the impact of the wind.  At the top, we climbed up to see the giant Buddha and we had a bit of really tasty Buddhist vegetarian food.  We then took a bus over to Tai O where we wandered around and looked through the fishing village.  We bought a live fish, and brought it over to a restaurant at the other side of the village and they cooked it for us for dinner.  (The fish was still moving inside the bag as we were walking over and made my sister jump every single time since we forced her to carry it.  She had an especially good time eating it...revenge is sweet).  As I mentioned earlier, we took the bus back - took so much longer, but also less nerve wracking. 

Taking the Cable Car to Lantau Island

Tai - O

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