Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Topdeck Southern Nomad: Nice + Monaco

Nice is nice, really really nice.   It was perfect weather when we arrived in Nice and we quickly set up camp and grabbed a bite to eat.  The site was outside of the city but it was still close to the water front which was absolutely gorgeous.  We headed into town the next day for about 5 hours and raced around trying to see everything.  Nice was great for shopping, and people watching on the board walk was amazing as well.  We also had the time to check out the markets and climb to the top of an old castle which had amazing scenic views.  In the end, I feel like I definitely needed at least another day to fully absorb Nice but it was amazing nevertheless!

In the evening after everyone got dressed up we headed out to Monaco stopping along the way for a picnic dinner.  We went straight to the casino where some people headed to the Monte Carlo casino (which had a 10 euro cover) while the rest of us went to the Sun Casino downstairs.  I managed to win two cents in slots before we headed back to the campsite to packed for our trip to Florence the next day.


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