Monday, August 4, 2014

East Coast Road Trip

I haven't been on a proper road trip in a long time, so when my sister got into a summer camp at Memorial University in Newfoundland my parents and I jumped on the opportunity to see the East coast.  Overall the entire trip was relatively rushed and a lot of plans changed due to various circumstances.  Nevertheless it was a fun trip, a great chance to see some places in Canada and a good driving experience.  Our itinerary was as follows, but I'll probably only talk about the places where we spent a fair amount of time (which wasn't actually the case for many places).

- Toronto to Drummonville
- Drummonville to Quebec City
- Quebec City to Moncton
- Moncton to North Sydney
- Overnight ferry to Porte aux Basques
- Porte aux Basques to Rocky Harbour
- Rocky Harbour to St. John's

- St. John's to Deer Lake
- Deer Lake to Porte aux Basques
- Porte aux Basques to North Sydney via ferry
- North Sydney to Halifax
- Halifax to Edmunston
- Edmunston to Toronto (pit stop in Montreal for some bagels)


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