Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Summer Travel Plans

So this summer I'm going on two and a half big trips which is extremely exciting as the last (and only) time I remember being outside of North America was five years ago when my choir went to Germany.  My parents took me around Canada as a child, but I don't remember a single thing. 

After catching a bit of the travel bug, my family has decided to go on a trip to China and I decided to apply last minute to an exchange program at my University.  I'll be heading over to Hong Kong for a bit before joining up a tour in Beijing and Shanghai.  Then later in the summer I'll be doing an exchange for two weeks in Sackville New Brunswick, and two weeks in Osaka Japan. 

With the trip a couple weeks away there's been a couple random things to rant about as I prepare:

First of all: Have you ever drank Dukoral?  (Dukoral is a preventative oral medication used against Cholera and Traveler's Diarrhea.)  I just drank my first dose a couple minutes ago.  And when I say drank, I mean I painfully choked it down. That stuff was absolutely brutal.  The worst is knowing I have to do this again next week, but anyways I'll spare the painful details in case some unfortunate soul happens to stumble upon this blog and gets turned off from drinking it.  I'm happy I didn't read any travel blogs before mixing that horrible concoction.   I mean, on the bright side I won't have to spend 90% of the trip on the toilet...hopefully.... o.O

Just checked the weather in China, and it's pretty much "feels like 42 degrees" across the board.   Yay.  I'm terrible with heat, so this should be interesting. Since it's been around 18 degrees in Toronto these past few weeks, I haven't bothered to buy any summer clothes yet - so Orfus Road, here I come!  

And finally, last random rant: my family went into panic mode in the beginning of the week after we realized our passports are expiring soon.  Don't make that mistake - trust me, it's a nightmare in the making.  

For now that's it, I'll be blogging parts of the trip when the time comes and hopefully some more fun stuff once I'm done summer school xD


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