Thursday, June 27, 2013

HK Day 1: Arrival

If I could fly first class for the rest of my life, I'd do it in an instant.  Our flight left this morning at 7am and got to Vancouver at 10am (Vancouver time).  We had a 5 hour layover in Vancouver, then took a flight straight to Hong Kong, arriving at 5pm HK time.  The flight was awesome, the maple leaf lounge had a load of food and comfy couches, plus pretty fast internet.  The first class seats on the flight also meant a ridiculous amount of edible food and we had individual little pods which reclined into a bed & the movies and tv shows available made it hard to force myself to sleep. 

Vancouver Maple Leaf Lounge

HK flight Menu
Random First Impressions of Hong Kong: 
  • It's HOT. We arrived in the evening when it was cooler, but even then it was super humid
  • Every store/building has their AC cranked up all the way, so crazy fluctuation of temperature 
  • The streetcars and transit in general is a lot cleaner and nicer than the TTC
  • It appears none of the men here wear shorts - they all wear long pants which is nuts as this place is legit ridiculously hot
  • The bugs here must be on steroids, the cockroaches are MASSIVE
  • There's a lot more westerners here than I expected which is kinda cool - I think there's actually more Westerners in HK than I'm used to seeing at school!
  • Watching British TV is amusing

Random Streets


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