Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Flashback: November Backpacking in Algonquin

So I've wanted to write about my experience at Algonquin for a while now, but my pictures are quite terrible so I've been contemplating whether it's worth a blog post.  Now that I'm in the procrastination mood, I figure I might as well rant about it anyways! The pictures in this post are pretty bad...sorry bout that xD.  A while back I blogged about my experience backpacking in Bruce Peninsula which was absolutely gorgeous, and still my favourite location for camping.  However, I don't think I would have been able to handle that trip, if I hadn't experienced Algonquin beforehand.  I've gone camping in Algonquin twice now for the practice journey of the Duke of Edinburgh Award which has been a lot of fun, but also quite challenging.  Due to the hectic university schedule, our club can only schedule the camping in for November which has been quite interesting over the years.  

November 2010 was my first backpacking experience, and probably one of the most eventful trips I'll ever have at Algonquin.  There was an extremely large group of us participating in this trip, which in many ways made it more difficult than normal.  The hike was extremely challenging because that particular winter was extremely cold, and the ground was a mix of wet, muddy and icy which was extremely scary, especially on the rocks.  We began our hike mid afternoon, but unfortunately got quite lost about 5km from the campsite.  We found ourselves stuck in a section of the trail while the sun was quickly setting.  As soon as we got our bearings it was pitch black out, and we were hiking in the dark, which needless to say was not fun at all.  By the time we got to the campsite we were beat, but we had to continue trying to pitch our tents and cook....in the dark.  Again, things like hanging up dry bags ended up being a million times harder than normal.  To top it off, it was a really cold night, there was snow on the ground and not many people managed to get to sleep.  Since the practice hike was only one day, we headed back to the parking lot the next morning, which was comparably a much easier journey (we were practically running back home).  Although this first trip was really difficult, it was also where I met some of my closest friends, and in hindsight I think it was a good introduction to backpacking - problems and all. 

National Park
National Park

My next trip to Algonquin took place November 2012: it was a much better experience and I was definitely more prepared!  For starters, it was a very very warm November, I think most of us ended up hiking in t-shirts; but it also meant the ground was very wet with puddles everywhere (no ice though, so can't complain too much).  The group was smaller, and we decided that since we made it all the way out to the park anyways, we might as well stay for two nights.  The hike was challenging - don't get me wrong, Algonquin is extremely hilly and rocky....but my most vivid memories of the trip were of the campgrounds (Psychology can explain why we generally only remember the good bits...but I won't go into that).  The first night we stayed at an a nice campground backing onto the water.  It rained overnight, but by the time we woke up everything was nice and dry.  After a long day of hiking on day two, our second campsite was amazing!  Again it backed onto the water with three large rocks sticking up above the surface. We had a nice fire pit, and of course a clear blue sky to see the stars at night.  One thing about me: I don't sleep very much in general, but when I'm camping, I barely sleep at all.  Somehow I always wake up at 6am if not earlier (which was totally cool because one of my friends was up at that time as well)...Anyhow, this trip was awesome...a bit more relaxing and a lot less chaotic!  

Provincial Park
Provincial Park
Provincial Park
Provincial Park
Provincial Park
Provincial Park
Provincial Park
Soooo that's my experience in Algonquin...a bit of a love/hate (but mostly love) relationship going on.  I have to admit, writing about it is making me excited for the trip scheduled in two months!!!!  I just hope the weather is on our side again :) 


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