Sunday, May 31, 2015

Spring in Toronto (PTX, Cherry Blossoms & Doors Open Toronto)

Well, not being in school is pretty fantastic.  Spring has just "sprung" in the most bipolar way possible (34 degrees yesterday and 9 today...what the heck is going on), and already I've had the chance to do loads of fun things in the city.  

A couple months ago, I saw Pentatonix in concert again!  Last year it was at the Danforth Music Hall which was probably the best venue for an acapella group.  This year it was the Sound Academy which ironically has the lamest sound possible.  But anyways, Pentatonix....I used to watch the Sing Off on TV & on Youtube where I first discovered Pentatonix (before they became a viral sensation); so yep.  We lined up about 2 hours before the doors opened, because vertically challenged individuals have to do things like that if they want to see anything at a standing concert.  Ah well, I can confidently say it was 100% worth it!  

View from the Sound Academy

Then in April, the Cherry Blossoms erupted causing the entire city to gather in High Park.  Obviously I decide to go for the first time after I've moved far away from Bloor West...instead of the during 17 years I lived in the Village.  

This month was also Doors Open Toronto, which I've never gone to either.  I happened to be strolling around downtown for other reasons, but figured I might as well check out some buildings.  I ended up visiting the Canada Life Building (observatory), Osgoode Hall, the HOK offices, Knox College and the Coach House Press.  Twas cool....who knew the city had such neat buildings!?  
View from the Canada Life Observatory


Summer (Spring) Reading

This summer (or I guess...Spring) is the first summer in a long time not spent in a classroom.  I've been in University for so long, I forgot about my love for books.  The problem sort of begins when I find myself with a spare week where I have time to read...but then I head into a library or bookstore, get a bit overwhelmed by the many options, choose a book by it's cover (oops) which I'm not a huge fan of, then fall out of reading again. 

BUT this summer will be different!  It's already been a bit different...solution: the friend.  One of my closest friends is an avid reader, and luckily we have the same taste in books.  She's become my human library and I'm so incredibly grateful xD 

I started off the month with some fantasy: the All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness (A Discovery of Witches, Shadow Of Night & The Book of Life).  SO GOOD. SO INCREDIBLY GOOD.  It's written so well...Deborah Harkness is a historian and she uses her expertise in such a clever way giving history a fantastic twist.  People say it's like Twilight...which, okay even I have to admit there are SOME similarities.  But it's SO much better than Twilight, it doesn't even matter.  Yep, fan-girling right now!  

Next, I asked my amazing friend for some non-series books.  I found my mind wandering during the work day wondering what would happen in the next I needed something a little bit lighter.  She recommended Fangirl (Rainbow Rowell) and One Plus One (Jojo Moyes).  Both great books - very different, but very very good! :)  I won't say more.  You should read it.  

I'm now trying to mix up the fiction and non-fiction reads.  I'm starting a book called "Quiet: The Power of introverts in a world That Can't Stop Talking" (Susan Cain); so far it's really interesting.  The book itself starts off with a lot of very strong statements, with discussions of "closet introverts" and the "Extrovert Ideal."  So let's see where this goes!  Whooooooo books! :D
