Saturday, September 6, 2014

Road Trip 2014: Heading Home - Halifax to Toronto

Somehow we made it home from Halifax in 2 days.  From Halifax we drove towards Edmunston taking a pit stop at Hopewell Rocks, a park which is located along the Bay of Fundy and features amazing rock formations caused by tidal wave erosion. We were able to walk around and view the rocks before we were kicked out at 2pm as the tide quickly rose (high tide was at 4pm that day). It was pretty neat to see the rocks, and also watch the water level quickly go up throughout our time there, unfortunately we didn't have enough time to say and see the entire tide cycle. 

Our plan was to drive from Edmunston to Montreal, and spend a night there before heading back to Toronto.  Now as most road trips go, you don't usually book hotels and such until a couple hours before, 'cause who knows what will happen.  (Un)Lucky for us, it was a long weekend and literally every affordable hotel within the downtown Montreal vicinity was booked.   So, we stopped in Montreal for about an hour to get bagels, and drove straight home.  New Brunswick to Toronto in a day....let's just say it was interesting?

Tide quickly coming in

Hopewell Rocks (also known as the Flowerpot rocks)

Anddddd back on the road
