Monday, April 14, 2014

Getting Ready for A New Adventure!

I haven't blogged in a's reassuring that no one actually follow this blog so it adds absolutely no pressure to anything.  BUT school's ending, and I'm going on another adventure!  A very expensive - so expensive I might regret it, but actually even if I'm dirt poor I'll probably never regret it type of adventure! Ever since High School I've loved everything British...something inside me just snapped and I magically woke up and decided to fall in love with the UK.  So I was chatting with a friend early in the school year and we decided it was completely necessary to go to Europe, especially since we are both graduating, and who knows what happens once we hit the job force or go back to school.  Plans flipped and flopped, and finally we bit the bullet and started buying plane tickets, tour packages, booking accommodations etc. Somehow, this is all actually happening!  So this is the plan:

  • We'll be joining the Topdeck Southern Nomad Tour (camping!!) which covers: London, Paris, Swiss Alps, French Riviera, Florence, Rome 
  • We'll stay in Rome a couple days before heading to Barcelona
  •  From Barcelona we'll be taking a bus to Lyon 
  • A couple days in Lyon then back to Paris
  • Then the most exciting part: LONDON! 
  • We may or may not hit another area in Britain before going to Edinburgh 
  • Then finally, back to London before flying home (just in time for Convocation)

So this entire trip will be 36 days and besides the fact that we're already down $2000 (and barely anything is booked), I'm ridiculously excited!  I'll of course try to blog and whatnot, but since laptop isn't on the packing list, we'll see what happens! 
