Saturday, November 2, 2013

Around Toronto

This week I had some time to rediscover Toronto (aka awkward tourist in my own city) as one of my friends from Japan came to visit for a couple of days!  Needless to say, I love Toronto...I mean how can you not!  From Koreatown, Chinatown, Little Italy, Greektown, Kensington, Little the parks, malls, and place like home.  

nathan phillips square
city hall
Ai Wei Wei

Ai Weiwei currently has an exhibit at the AGO, but one of his installations - Forever Bicycle (3144 bikes) was still hanging around from Nuit Blanche in Nathan Phillips Square.   
Rare Book
UofT's rare book library is absolutely gorgeous! For some reason I've never taken the time to check it out these past four glad I did!
Grafitti alley off of Queen is a full kilometer of epic

I was really excited to check out the new Ripley's Aquarium which just opened beside the CN tower, but the lineup was absolutely ridiculous!  I think I might have to wait a couple months....
