Saturday, October 5, 2013

Digitour & October Hike

This weekend (between studying) I attended the Digitour concert and I went on a day hike with the Duke of Ed club!  Both were a lot of fun, and also reminded me why I love Toronto so much.  

Digitour is basically a number of YouTube personalities who do a couple shows in North America.  This year the British YouTubers I've been watching came for a show in Toronto, so my friend and I parted  ways with $50 each and got balcony tickets for the show at the Sound Academy.  In the end it was (obviously) worth every penny, and I'm so incredibly glad I paid extra for the balcony seats.  The main floor looked like madness, people were pushing so much at the front, that security guards had to lift people out of the crowd!  I also got a full view & I figured it'd be a bit more bearable being surrounded by 19+ aged fans rather than the crazy youngins downstairs. The YouTubers were awesome, they entertained the audience, and I still can't believe we saw them perform in person!  

Brit Crew <3  Caspar Lee!
& Jim Chapman!
LA YouTube Crew
View from the Sound Academy (which actually had terrible sound quality..)
So the day after that awesome show, I went on a day hike with the Duke of Ed club bright and early.  This year we went to Rouge Park in Scarborough which was surprisingly quite nice.  All the trails we hiked were very scenic considering it was in Toronto - not as difficult as other hiking trails outside of the city - but still a lot of fun!

Love the Fall!

Back to studying now!
